This article keeps it simple in summing up some of how I view legalism. I was not a Church of Christ member, but this site had a message board for those coming out of the Church of Christ, and it fit me, so I spent much time there trying to heal from the toxic spirituality that nearly ate me alive:
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Perhaps I am "Progressive"...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity portal
Progressive Christianity is the name given to a movement within contemporary Protestant Christianity characterized by willingness to question tradition, acceptance of human diversity (including the affirmation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people), strong emphasis on social justice or care for the poor and the oppressed (see Minority groups and environmental stewardship of the earth. Progressive Christians have a deep belief in the centrality of the instruction to "love one another" (John 15:17) within the teaching of Jesus Christ. This leads to a focus on compassion, promoting justice and mercy, and working towards solving the societal problems of poverty, discrimination, and environmental issues.
This movement is by no means the only significant movement of progressive thought among Christians (see the 'See also' links below), but it is currently a focus of such issues in many parts of the world.
In recent years the term Progressive Christianity has been used interchangeably with the term Liberal Christianity. Some argue that Progressive Christians are theologically distinct from liberal Christian thought, in that Progressive Christianity draws on the insights of multiple theological streams including: 19th century evangelicalism, 19th and early 20th century Christian liberalism, 20th century neo-orthodoxy, and late 20th and 21st century liberation theology. [1]. Perhaps the most comprehensive statement of a progressive Christian point of view is "Progressive Christian Beliefs: An Introduction..." found at, by Delwin Brown, apparently a reformed liberal theologian. While it frequently takes stands on the liberal side of the ideological spectrum, it should be noted that progressive Christianity is not necessarily synonymous with political liberalism.
The characteristics of Progressive Christianity, and its distinction from Liberal Christianity, have been articulated in an article [2] by Hal Taussig. These can be summarized as:
A spiritual vitality and expressiveness, including participatory, arts-infused, and lively worship as well as a variety of spiritual rituals and practices such as meditation
Intellectual integrity including a willingness to question
An affirmation of human diversity
An affirmation of the Christian faith with a simultaneous sincere respect for other faiths
Strong ecological concerns and commitments
Social justice commitments
Perhaps I fit into this 'label', if you will, with possibly leaving out the super-interest in Ecology (though I do belong to! 3 cheers for free stuff!)
I dont bandwagon, and I dont fit into any 'groups', nor do I care to. But I do find it interesting how many in the world do fit into a group, and so I strive to learn about it and see where I am similar in my theology, and where I differ. I enjoy learning about cultures and different belief systems. I like understanding people.
I would highlight on the *compassion* aspect of Progressive Christianity, and accepting others as they are (Just like Jesus did!) I relate to the oppressed and poor, whether spiritually, emotionally, economically.
My posts are all over the place. I would really like to stay on one subject and dig deeper into it. And I really need a working camera so I can show my mosiacs and well as get ideas for my outside disaster area. *sigh*
Christianity portal
Progressive Christianity is the name given to a movement within contemporary Protestant Christianity characterized by willingness to question tradition, acceptance of human diversity (including the affirmation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people), strong emphasis on social justice or care for the poor and the oppressed (see Minority groups and environmental stewardship of the earth. Progressive Christians have a deep belief in the centrality of the instruction to "love one another" (John 15:17) within the teaching of Jesus Christ. This leads to a focus on compassion, promoting justice and mercy, and working towards solving the societal problems of poverty, discrimination, and environmental issues.
This movement is by no means the only significant movement of progressive thought among Christians (see the 'See also' links below), but it is currently a focus of such issues in many parts of the world.
In recent years the term Progressive Christianity has been used interchangeably with the term Liberal Christianity. Some argue that Progressive Christians are theologically distinct from liberal Christian thought, in that Progressive Christianity draws on the insights of multiple theological streams including: 19th century evangelicalism, 19th and early 20th century Christian liberalism, 20th century neo-orthodoxy, and late 20th and 21st century liberation theology. [1]. Perhaps the most comprehensive statement of a progressive Christian point of view is "Progressive Christian Beliefs: An Introduction..." found at, by Delwin Brown, apparently a reformed liberal theologian. While it frequently takes stands on the liberal side of the ideological spectrum, it should be noted that progressive Christianity is not necessarily synonymous with political liberalism.
The characteristics of Progressive Christianity, and its distinction from Liberal Christianity, have been articulated in an article [2] by Hal Taussig. These can be summarized as:
A spiritual vitality and expressiveness, including participatory, arts-infused, and lively worship as well as a variety of spiritual rituals and practices such as meditation
Intellectual integrity including a willingness to question
An affirmation of human diversity
An affirmation of the Christian faith with a simultaneous sincere respect for other faiths
Strong ecological concerns and commitments
Social justice commitments
Perhaps I fit into this 'label', if you will, with possibly leaving out the super-interest in Ecology (though I do belong to! 3 cheers for free stuff!)
I dont bandwagon, and I dont fit into any 'groups', nor do I care to. But I do find it interesting how many in the world do fit into a group, and so I strive to learn about it and see where I am similar in my theology, and where I differ. I enjoy learning about cultures and different belief systems. I like understanding people.
I would highlight on the *compassion* aspect of Progressive Christianity, and accepting others as they are (Just like Jesus did!) I relate to the oppressed and poor, whether spiritually, emotionally, economically.
My posts are all over the place. I would really like to stay on one subject and dig deeper into it. And I really need a working camera so I can show my mosiacs and well as get ideas for my outside disaster area. *sigh*
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Attraction Rather Than Promotion
I was reading up on an Al-Anon concept. Here, it begins with Step 12, then goes into Tradition 11, to expound on the concept of "attraction rather than promotion". For those who do not know, Al-Anon has 12 *steps*, 12 *traditions*, and 12 *concepts*....
Step Twelve
Having had a spiritual awakening as the
result of these steps, we tried to carry this
message to others, and to practice these
principles in all our affairs.
This Step summarizes the entire Al-Anon program.
Simply stated, it encourages us to share the
Al-Anon message as we continue to practice the
principles of the program on an ongoing basis.
Though we may feel eager to let others know
how the program has worked in our lives, there
is yet another step we need to take before forging
ahead—we need to determine how to carry the
message within Al-Anon’s Traditions.
Tradition Eleven
Our public relations policy is based on
attraction rather than promotion; we need
always maintain personal anonymity at
the level of press, radio, films, and TV. We
need guard with special care the anonymity
of all AA members.
Tradition Eleven provides a meaningful road
map; by following it we become ready to carry
Al-Anon’s message outside of our group.
We begin by reaching out to the public through
the media and the professional community to let
them know that Al-Anon/Alateen exists as a valuable
resource for families and friends of alcoholics.
Tradition Eleven states that our public relations
policy is based on attraction rather than promotion.
So what’s the difference?
What is “Attraction”?
In Al-Anon, attraction means we share how the
program works for us and how it can work for others.
We attract when we convey that Al-Anon and
Alateen groups are friendly and inviting to all.
Attraction is drawing others to us by reflecting
positive qualities. Means of attraction include:
*providing information
• Generating goodwill
• Cooperating with professionals and the media
• Explaining how Al-Anon/Alateen works in
our lives
What is “Promotion”?
If we “promote,” we no longer merely exhibit our
value and worth; instead, we are in a “selling” mode
that may result in resistance rather than encourage
the attraction of new members. Promotion means:
• Using “pressure tactics”—not taking “no” for
an answer.
• Making promises.
• Comparing ourselves to self-help or professional
programs for families.
• Exaggerating or misrepresenting Al-Anon’s
purpose; that we can help everyone.
• Presenting ourselves as a spokesperson for
Al-Anon Family Groups, by allowing our full
name, face, and membership to be identified at
the level of press, radio, TV, Internet, and film.
I kinda admire the concept spoken of here. Its explained in greater detail here than usually spoken about in the "rooms". Its normally spoken of that we dont push people, we hope that they will see something in us that they want to have,..... whether that be sobriety in body, healthy in mind, stable in emotion, or healed in the spirit.
When I was in my toxic christianity, I could be controlling in that I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, or at least thought I did. Therefore, it was easy to excuse away that I was looking out for people when I pushed Jesus on them, albeit in ways not always easily detected or implied by myself. I wont say I really wasnt ocncerned for people; I was....but my motives could not have been pure, or else I wouldnt have found it so difficult to live and let live, and simutaneously find that a beautiful, peaceful, and serene thing.
I find that now that I reside on the post-legalist side of my life, I still can have a tendency to promote my ideas or convictions, rather than attract by how I simply live, speak, and think. I have good intentions in that I want to promote unity, and not conformity; diversity, and not uniformity. But is that my job? I am possibly just supposed to live in unity, and allow for diversity.....and let others work out for themselves their own salvation. It allows space for people to breathe, and it makes room for them to birth their own path of discovery, and to hear from God their own prescription. I think I am to be there when requested or called on, but not develop a doctrine for all people. To point toward goodness, loveliness, and Jesus.....but not use a finger when doing so.
I am wondering what all your thoughts are. I do not desire to promote Jesus, but to attract for Him, without perhaps using so much energy. It is a nice thought.
Step Twelve
Having had a spiritual awakening as the
result of these steps, we tried to carry this
message to others, and to practice these
principles in all our affairs.
This Step summarizes the entire Al-Anon program.
Simply stated, it encourages us to share the
Al-Anon message as we continue to practice the
principles of the program on an ongoing basis.
Though we may feel eager to let others know
how the program has worked in our lives, there
is yet another step we need to take before forging
ahead—we need to determine how to carry the
message within Al-Anon’s Traditions.
Tradition Eleven
Our public relations policy is based on
attraction rather than promotion; we need
always maintain personal anonymity at
the level of press, radio, films, and TV. We
need guard with special care the anonymity
of all AA members.
Tradition Eleven provides a meaningful road
map; by following it we become ready to carry
Al-Anon’s message outside of our group.
We begin by reaching out to the public through
the media and the professional community to let
them know that Al-Anon/Alateen exists as a valuable
resource for families and friends of alcoholics.
Tradition Eleven states that our public relations
policy is based on attraction rather than promotion.
So what’s the difference?
What is “Attraction”?
In Al-Anon, attraction means we share how the
program works for us and how it can work for others.
We attract when we convey that Al-Anon and
Alateen groups are friendly and inviting to all.
Attraction is drawing others to us by reflecting
positive qualities. Means of attraction include:
*providing information
• Generating goodwill
• Cooperating with professionals and the media
• Explaining how Al-Anon/Alateen works in
our lives
What is “Promotion”?
If we “promote,” we no longer merely exhibit our
value and worth; instead, we are in a “selling” mode
that may result in resistance rather than encourage
the attraction of new members. Promotion means:
• Using “pressure tactics”—not taking “no” for
an answer.
• Making promises.
• Comparing ourselves to self-help or professional
programs for families.
• Exaggerating or misrepresenting Al-Anon’s
purpose; that we can help everyone.
• Presenting ourselves as a spokesperson for
Al-Anon Family Groups, by allowing our full
name, face, and membership to be identified at
the level of press, radio, TV, Internet, and film.
I kinda admire the concept spoken of here. Its explained in greater detail here than usually spoken about in the "rooms". Its normally spoken of that we dont push people, we hope that they will see something in us that they want to have,..... whether that be sobriety in body, healthy in mind, stable in emotion, or healed in the spirit.
When I was in my toxic christianity, I could be controlling in that I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, or at least thought I did. Therefore, it was easy to excuse away that I was looking out for people when I pushed Jesus on them, albeit in ways not always easily detected or implied by myself. I wont say I really wasnt ocncerned for people; I was....but my motives could not have been pure, or else I wouldnt have found it so difficult to live and let live, and simutaneously find that a beautiful, peaceful, and serene thing.
I find that now that I reside on the post-legalist side of my life, I still can have a tendency to promote my ideas or convictions, rather than attract by how I simply live, speak, and think. I have good intentions in that I want to promote unity, and not conformity; diversity, and not uniformity. But is that my job? I am possibly just supposed to live in unity, and allow for diversity.....and let others work out for themselves their own salvation. It allows space for people to breathe, and it makes room for them to birth their own path of discovery, and to hear from God their own prescription. I think I am to be there when requested or called on, but not develop a doctrine for all people. To point toward goodness, loveliness, and Jesus.....but not use a finger when doing so.
I am wondering what all your thoughts are. I do not desire to promote Jesus, but to attract for Him, without perhaps using so much energy. It is a nice thought.
I *heart* The Enneagram
And you should too. Just TRUST me. :)
About 2 years ago I was introduced to The Enneagram. Unlike other personality 'tests', it is fluid and all-encompassing of you as a person. Imagine a rainbow, with differing hues....your personality, mind, heart, gut, passions, etc......stretching out like an amoeba, in the Big Circle (no, Im not New When you are doing healthy, you the amoeba moves this-a-way; when unhealthy it moves that-a-way. As you grow and mature, you the amoeba moves again. You are constantly changing. You dont stay the same, and if you do, quite likely you are dead, in a mental hospital, or stagnant and lifeless.
The Enneagram is a spiritual tool from a looooong time ago. I am not 100% clear on the history, and there are differing opinions on the matter so Im going to gloss over that for now. I am studying it though.
What I can say is the weaknesses or portions of my personality that others have often scruntinized, judged, or otherwise frowned upon, now sit AOK with me. The Enneagram validated much for me. I am not longer ashamed of my personality or quirks, or even my passionate or sensual side. In short, understanding myself with the tool of The Enneagram, has healed me, and is aiding me in overcoming. I suppose my brain needed something concrete to bridge about who God says I am, with the everyday actualness of what I see in myself.
I am not very good at describing the point I desire to impress upon you about how completely nifty The Enneagram is. But, Id like to include a FREE link to take the test to see what "type" you are....there will be a description afterward about your type. Once you know your type you can google that and find even more info, depthwise, on yoru type. Just remember no 'type' fits into a box. We all have a little bit of the 9 types within us, though one usually dominates and therein you can someitmes locate your underlying strugglesome areas. And not feel *guilty* about that knowledge, but ENCOURAGED. (the second shorter test on this page is fun, too. It helps you figure out your instinctual type, within your number type. "sexual' does not mean sexual here; it is moreso how you relate to others and yourself. It doesnt mean you are a harlot or gigolo at!)
Oh, how I *heart* the Enneagram.
In one of my future posts, after a few have taken the test, I will put up my type, and yak on about what knowing this has done for me. :)
About 2 years ago I was introduced to The Enneagram. Unlike other personality 'tests', it is fluid and all-encompassing of you as a person. Imagine a rainbow, with differing hues....your personality, mind, heart, gut, passions, etc......stretching out like an amoeba, in the Big Circle (no, Im not New When you are doing healthy, you the amoeba moves this-a-way; when unhealthy it moves that-a-way. As you grow and mature, you the amoeba moves again. You are constantly changing. You dont stay the same, and if you do, quite likely you are dead, in a mental hospital, or stagnant and lifeless.
The Enneagram is a spiritual tool from a looooong time ago. I am not 100% clear on the history, and there are differing opinions on the matter so Im going to gloss over that for now. I am studying it though.
What I can say is the weaknesses or portions of my personality that others have often scruntinized, judged, or otherwise frowned upon, now sit AOK with me. The Enneagram validated much for me. I am not longer ashamed of my personality or quirks, or even my passionate or sensual side. In short, understanding myself with the tool of The Enneagram, has healed me, and is aiding me in overcoming. I suppose my brain needed something concrete to bridge about who God says I am, with the everyday actualness of what I see in myself.
I am not very good at describing the point I desire to impress upon you about how completely nifty The Enneagram is. But, Id like to include a FREE link to take the test to see what "type" you are....there will be a description afterward about your type. Once you know your type you can google that and find even more info, depthwise, on yoru type. Just remember no 'type' fits into a box. We all have a little bit of the 9 types within us, though one usually dominates and therein you can someitmes locate your underlying strugglesome areas. And not feel *guilty* about that knowledge, but ENCOURAGED. (the second shorter test on this page is fun, too. It helps you figure out your instinctual type, within your number type. "sexual' does not mean sexual here; it is moreso how you relate to others and yourself. It doesnt mean you are a harlot or gigolo at!)
Oh, how I *heart* the Enneagram.
In one of my future posts, after a few have taken the test, I will put up my type, and yak on about what knowing this has done for me. :)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The Full Version of the Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
as He did,
this sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with Him forever in the next.
Attributed to Reinhold Neibuhr
God, grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
as He did,
this sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with Him forever in the next.
Attributed to Reinhold Neibuhr
Sunday, March 1, 2009
We Are In A Recession
We are in a recession. I guess when countries are in a recession........the people can be seen at the malls, liquor store, nail salons, bars, car lots, furniture stores, and movie rental places.
And those of us that never frequented those places in the first place, probably dont even realize we are in a recession.
And those of us that never frequented those places in the first place, probably dont even realize we are in a recession.
Carrying One Another's Burdens
Excuse me whilst I rant on about my dismal assessment of todays Church. Someone once told me I better be careful when speaking of Christ's maybe I should say what I am really trying to understand here, is how is the institution of the church carrying its brothers and sisters burdens?
Maybe the problem, is we depend too much on that aspect of the church that seems, well..institutionalized.
Taking a break form church, and even the Bible (I'll call it FASTING)....due to toxic religion I became infected with.....really aided me in being able to just sit, examine myself.....and observe. Observe the world. Observe people. Observe myself. And meditate on such things.
Right now, my husband is on like his 40th leg of overcoming an issue in his life. He has climbed, fell down, climbed, fell down.......and so on, and so on. People get tired of others falling down so much. Its a nuisance, its dirty, and well, sometimes when you try to pick them hurts, and breaks your back a little, too. Ive often encountered people who pick others up. Then the hurting soul is left to wobble. Or, sometimes a guide will stand close by to help that person when they begin to wobble, or get topsy-turvy. Once, in my husbands life, he had a man do this for like 6 months, DAILY. What a sacrifice that man made. I am not saying others who give portions of help arent really fulfilling their christian duty....sometimes there are seasons for people, or reasons higher than to why someone cannot help. Understood. But in general, I see so many 'programs' and 'classes' at church. Do they truly help people? In my life, or at least my geographical location, I have not seen programs to be such a great help in carry one anothers burdens.
I recently began attending a Moravian church up the road from me. It is everything i was originally taught (in my Old Life ....aka..toxic religion) is essentially as close to heathen as Judas. Woman preacher, contemporary music, fundraisers, one service a week....blah blah blah. I end up loving the community. Wow. Ive missed out on so much...and what Big Arms God has. I really dont care so much about the this-n-thats of their doctrine, cqause Ive never met any two people in thw world who share the same tedious doctrine anyway. I just go, sing, listen, sit, and sing some more. The only new question I have for any assembly of believers to see if their *institution* will be worthy to me, or I to this: Does it draw me close to God, and keep doing so? Yeah, thats my only prenuptual agreement. Im easy. Well, Im easy NOW.
So, I told bible studies. No offerings. No commitments. No membership. Im not even reading their doctrine. I dont care. I really dont. I am just going to sit still, and breathe it all in. So far, my breathing is going beautifully well. Its refreshing. *I* am being refreshed. Cleansed. Healed. Healed, and doing nothing. What a concept.
Ok. I lied. There is another prerequisite. Do they tangibly help people? Do they care? Do they seek to touch others lives in a very REAL way? Do they love AS they love themselves, or just a little bit lower than themselves? Do they hold 3 bible studies a week, but not know how to hold someone accountable? Do they hold the business meeting in a timely, orderly fashion, but dont know how to help the porn addict? Do they serve the luncheons effortlessly, but not know how to invite and become intimate with other human beings? Do they work the nursery faithfully, but not know how to suffer with those who suffer?
I feel like I sound cruel. And Judgmental. Maybe I am. It just bothers me that I dont see so much 'sticking necks out for each other' as I do attendance for the latest and greatest bible/book study.
Maybe my husband needed to be abandoned. Maybe he needs to be alone for awhile, I dont know. I just know that it is sad when I see so many oppressed, broken, wounded, hurting people who have NO ONE coming alongside them. Today in church, as many other weeks, I hear the prayer requests of every illness, virus, cancer, and blow of the nose out there. No one requested prayer for emotional issues. Behavioral issues. Loneliness. Lostness. Damaged self-worth. A bad relationship. NOTHING. Im not minimizing sickness. I just would hope to hear someones true inner pain. The pain in the heart....crying out for that person to 'come alongside.....'.
So, Im not joining any groups. I find there is way too much overhead and leading...and I lose my authentic callings from God. Too many assigned things to do at church., leaves me no room for the spontaneous trials that God so readily brings to my life. So, I help people as they cross my path. I try my best to be open. Im sure, somehwere, out there, someone has gripes against me not helping them, not being there. Ive failed. I really have. Im still failing. I just want it to get better. going stright to the people I think who need it. That *is* my offering. I listen to people. I help them with things. I have friends who are Christian and who arent...I have aquaintances who are and who arent. So I figure Im reaching out to the world, and still serving The Church.
This post is all over the place. Ill just close with, its great to have gotten to somewhat of a place where I just want to be there for people. Even if gthey are not there for me. Its ok. But I wont waste any more time in activities that dont directly and tangibly help people with their most needy needs. Isnt that why God came here?
Maybe the problem, is we depend too much on that aspect of the church that seems, well..institutionalized.
Taking a break form church, and even the Bible (I'll call it FASTING)....due to toxic religion I became infected with.....really aided me in being able to just sit, examine myself.....and observe. Observe the world. Observe people. Observe myself. And meditate on such things.
Right now, my husband is on like his 40th leg of overcoming an issue in his life. He has climbed, fell down, climbed, fell down.......and so on, and so on. People get tired of others falling down so much. Its a nuisance, its dirty, and well, sometimes when you try to pick them hurts, and breaks your back a little, too. Ive often encountered people who pick others up. Then the hurting soul is left to wobble. Or, sometimes a guide will stand close by to help that person when they begin to wobble, or get topsy-turvy. Once, in my husbands life, he had a man do this for like 6 months, DAILY. What a sacrifice that man made. I am not saying others who give portions of help arent really fulfilling their christian duty....sometimes there are seasons for people, or reasons higher than to why someone cannot help. Understood. But in general, I see so many 'programs' and 'classes' at church. Do they truly help people? In my life, or at least my geographical location, I have not seen programs to be such a great help in carry one anothers burdens.
I recently began attending a Moravian church up the road from me. It is everything i was originally taught (in my Old Life ....aka..toxic religion) is essentially as close to heathen as Judas. Woman preacher, contemporary music, fundraisers, one service a week....blah blah blah. I end up loving the community. Wow. Ive missed out on so much...and what Big Arms God has. I really dont care so much about the this-n-thats of their doctrine, cqause Ive never met any two people in thw world who share the same tedious doctrine anyway. I just go, sing, listen, sit, and sing some more. The only new question I have for any assembly of believers to see if their *institution* will be worthy to me, or I to this: Does it draw me close to God, and keep doing so? Yeah, thats my only prenuptual agreement. Im easy. Well, Im easy NOW.
So, I told bible studies. No offerings. No commitments. No membership. Im not even reading their doctrine. I dont care. I really dont. I am just going to sit still, and breathe it all in. So far, my breathing is going beautifully well. Its refreshing. *I* am being refreshed. Cleansed. Healed. Healed, and doing nothing. What a concept.
Ok. I lied. There is another prerequisite. Do they tangibly help people? Do they care? Do they seek to touch others lives in a very REAL way? Do they love AS they love themselves, or just a little bit lower than themselves? Do they hold 3 bible studies a week, but not know how to hold someone accountable? Do they hold the business meeting in a timely, orderly fashion, but dont know how to help the porn addict? Do they serve the luncheons effortlessly, but not know how to invite and become intimate with other human beings? Do they work the nursery faithfully, but not know how to suffer with those who suffer?
I feel like I sound cruel. And Judgmental. Maybe I am. It just bothers me that I dont see so much 'sticking necks out for each other' as I do attendance for the latest and greatest bible/book study.
Maybe my husband needed to be abandoned. Maybe he needs to be alone for awhile, I dont know. I just know that it is sad when I see so many oppressed, broken, wounded, hurting people who have NO ONE coming alongside them. Today in church, as many other weeks, I hear the prayer requests of every illness, virus, cancer, and blow of the nose out there. No one requested prayer for emotional issues. Behavioral issues. Loneliness. Lostness. Damaged self-worth. A bad relationship. NOTHING. Im not minimizing sickness. I just would hope to hear someones true inner pain. The pain in the heart....crying out for that person to 'come alongside.....'.
So, Im not joining any groups. I find there is way too much overhead and leading...and I lose my authentic callings from God. Too many assigned things to do at church., leaves me no room for the spontaneous trials that God so readily brings to my life. So, I help people as they cross my path. I try my best to be open. Im sure, somehwere, out there, someone has gripes against me not helping them, not being there. Ive failed. I really have. Im still failing. I just want it to get better. going stright to the people I think who need it. That *is* my offering. I listen to people. I help them with things. I have friends who are Christian and who arent...I have aquaintances who are and who arent. So I figure Im reaching out to the world, and still serving The Church.
This post is all over the place. Ill just close with, its great to have gotten to somewhat of a place where I just want to be there for people. Even if gthey are not there for me. Its ok. But I wont waste any more time in activities that dont directly and tangibly help people with their most needy needs. Isnt that why God came here?
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