Thursday, April 30, 2009

"It Is Finished"

I am wondering what your interpretation of Jesus's last words uttered on the cross, "It is finished', is? Could you share with me? I am meditating on this.


j13 said...
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Mary said...
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authenticallyme said...

I guess I am wondering if His words go further than that? So many ideas on how we are supposed to 'live life' accordingly....I wonder all what Jesus was saying *was* finished? Does it perhaps encompass a larger realm that we intially interpret it to cover? I am in deep though lately over this.

Thursday's Child said...

I've heard it this way. When *certain* churches say that in order to be saved you just have to do this, this, and this, and then say this prayer, just ask, "What part of 'it is finished' do you not understand?"

Sue said...

Hello, I have come across your blog via Kimber at My Emerging Faith. Great stuff, love your writing and your thoughts.

I think "it is finished" goes real, real deep. The way I used to view it, that it was Jesus taking the rap for us so God didn't fry us, is rather long distantly past for me in my journey, thankfully. These days, "it is finished" feels like it is a many-sided diamond and I can't even begin to see all those dimensions because I don't even live in some of them yet. Of course, the most obvious is that I walk with him while knowing my imperfections. Holding my gloriousness and my stenchness in my one body is part of what was accomplished there, methinks. A taking away of guilt. A delectable delicious living as who I am right now in what is. Excitementness :)